Saturday, February 5, 2011

Grump, grump, grump...

I haven't written much in the past week but it isn't that I haven't had much to say. Over the past 7 years I have had all kinds of various pain in my lower back, abdomen, left hip, left knee and right foot. I go through cycles when everything hurts and then amazingly nothing hurts and then sometimes it's one area or another only. I've been to rheumatologists and orthopedists and physical therapists and chiropractors and gynecologists (is it endometriosis causing everything?) and gastroenterologists and massage therapists and ... pregnancy seemed to be the fix rather than the cause, and for the past 18 months I've felt pretty good. Now though that I'm trying to move around and simultaneously wean my son, slowly things are coming back and it's time to look again.

In the meantime while I go back to the see the doctors, I'm on the lookout for ideas of what I can realistically do to not give up and give in to sedentary living. I did have a good dance workout last night WITH my daughter instead of being watched by my daughter, and that was great. Any suggestions???


  1. Hmmm. Have you tried Pilates? If you strengthen your core muscles it helps to balance out your body. A lot of low back back and other joint pain can be caused by too much stress on those parts of the body because the core muscles are weak. I love Pilates personally - could never get into yoga, but Pilates is a little different. You have to start out slowly because if you go too fast you will be too sore and will give up quickly.

  2. It's a thought to consider. I've only tried Pilates once and it seemed to demand a lot of my hip, but maybe it was just that one time. Definitely the "core" is the mantra that I've heard. The thing is, my hip has been hurting for months - even without trying any new exercises. I think my foot is the result of my hip pain and my body's weird way of compensating for it. I wish there was just some machine that could see everything inside with one shot! Argh! I know my range of motion is significantly different bending to the right versus the left. It's like I'm glued at certain places.

  3. I'm the same way - my left hip is much tighter than my right hip and has been for years. It's the same hip that has given me problems since Ella was born. MRI didn't show much either. It's a mystery!
