Monday, February 28, 2011


For anyone returning, you can see that I've changed the look on here today. I decided that the original background of books wasn't inspiring me to change my sedentary ways, and since I'm home again with a sick kid, I had some time to waste during his morning nap. I just didn't realize HOW MUCH time I would waste! What about this one? Oh no, too busy. What about this one? Oh no, that makes me look like I think I'm cooler than I am. What about....??? Maybe it's ridiculous and maybe it's not, but at one point I found myself thinking back to choosing fonts for my wedding invitations. It was then that I clicked "Apply" and have decided to just go with it. I need spring. I need sun and warmth and new growth, and while my preferred and most common me-time activity is to hole up somewhere in the house with my nose in a book, I need to shake it up.

The boy is still sick but is on the mend. Tomorrow I start physical therapy and the timing is good. After several days of lugging around an extra 25 lbs on my hip, my body is certainly ready for it. My exercise over the past three days has been limited to short walks, but I am working hard to find any positives that I can. For example:

Bummer - I had to take my kid to the ER.
Positive - He felt better afterwards, and if I hadn't, my car would have been in the driveway when a huge limb from our oak tree broke and fell down.

Bummer - I've been eating like a starving pregnant woman.
Positive - I've eaten just about everything in the house so I really can't do too much more damage.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new look -- and very glad to hear Lochlan is doing better!!
