Wednesday, January 26, 2011

George Washington 5K

Two moments helped me put my goal into perspective on Monday. After telling a good friend and co-worker about my plans and efforts, she came to me on Monday morning and invited me to run in the George Washington 5K with her in April. My immediate reaction was near to panic. Never mind that it's only a 5K. Never mind that I have three months to get there. In 10 seconds I managed three excuses not to do it. My hip pain! My husband's work schedule! My you-name-it-I've-got-it! How lame. She left the invitation open with a very understanding nod of her head and we both went about our day. A few hours later I went to a meeting where I saw another friend/co-worker that I don't see on a very regular basis. He complimented my weight loss and asked for my secret. Without hesitation I confessed what had been bouncing around in my mind since my morning conversation and needed to be confronted, "I'm all talk." I went on to explain my bike, and my goals, and plain truth that while I'm saying 2011 is my year to become healthier, I seem to be reserving January for the planning stage rather than any type of actual implementation.

On Tuesday I registered for the 5K and even invited another friend to join us.

Now, I am watching my dietary intake for the weight-loss group and hope to manage a pound a week, but I know that it is time for me to get serious about the exercise too. I've had a few short bursts - 10 minutes here and there of warming up, stretching, ab work, etc., but until this point in 2011, I cannot name one good, solid workout. I promise the next time I write I will have done one.


  1. Hey mama- I'm running the GW classic too! Now we have something to get us going.

  2. Go, Holly! I know a great running group that meets on Sunday mornings, if you're interested. (They also offer optional workouts at least two weeknights.) The trainers are great and can work with anybody at any level. They've got a one-hour clinic that can help you improve your form, to run better with less effort.

  3. Oh Meryl I completely forgot that you said you had a 5K in April. Perfect! And Liz, I would definitely be interested in the running group. Thanks so much!

  4. Good for you! I did the GW 5K last year - it was my first race. It was great :) I'd do it with you but already signed up to do a race at the end of March. Thinking of doing Race for the Cure again though in June - that's also a 5K so if the GW one goes well for you maybe we can run together! I should probably do a running group too - might motivate me more. Good job on the blog!
