Thursday, January 20, 2011

And so it begins.

I started a blog a few years ago without much purpose or direction. The basic gist was, "I'm a mom and today my life is great!" followed by "I'm a mom, and today my life sucks." By reading the first part of either sentence, I imagine my followers could predict the second. I'd said it. "I'm a mom," what else should be expected?! You have good days, great days, and crappy days. I found my main purpose at that time was to vent. I'd love to say there was more to it, but in all honesty, I was just complaining. I think I was trying to play by the rules all the time and then just let loose on the crappy guy in the truck who cut me off, or the overzealous moms at preschool, or the reality that is my job. But you know what? I sounded pathetic. I don't want to be that person, and I try not to be as much as possible. Now, I'm not promising that I won't complain here, but the biggest difference I foresee will be that instead of focusing on how I want everyone else to change, I'm going to focus on how I can change myself. Wow. I sound like an ad for rehab. I could go on an on here, but the basic thing to understand was that I didn't like who I was in that blog. I don't want to live a life of complaint, and I'm not looking to make other friends who similarly want to rant and rave.

I just want to figure out how to be me, and at 34, I feel like it is about time. So the new me wants to tell you something WONDERFUL. I bought a bike. Yesterday. I have been talking about buying a new bike for over ten years, and for Christmas this year my wonderful husband gave me a new bike helmet with a personal certificate attached so that I could, "Go Buy a Bike". And that, my new friends, is where I would like to begin my posts for 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Congrats on the bike and just keep moving. We can all do it!
