Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quarter Cow

Truth time. I haven't exercised in almost 2 weeks. Not real exercise anyway. Doctor's orders honest. But now I have the green light again, which is great, because I'm starting to panic about the race on Sunday. Yes... the 5K that I signed up for that was months away is now only five days. My only escape route is a government shut-down, which is definitely possible, but the back-up date doesn't work for the friend who asked me to run with her, so then I'd be solo. Soooo... even if it bought me a few more weeks, I'm really hoping we get a move on this Sunday. No time like the present to give me a good, clear picture of how far I need to go. I'm up a couple of pounds... well, really only one or two depending on the day, but combining that with the lack of exercise and the ridiculous food binge that I've been on, my "heart healthy" objective has been floundering. I'm back to the cardiologist tomorrow though - hopefully will get another green light from him too - and can continue to check, check, check my way through the medical community.

But all of that is neither here nor there compared to the cow. Healthy habits, healthy exercise, healthy diet, etc., etc., etc. After doing our research (talking to two couples we know and enjoying dinner at one of their homes before checking out a few news articles), we've made a down payment on a cow, or really just a quarter of one. I'm simultaneously sickened by the thought that there is a life I'm that directly responsible for now and encouraged to know that it's one and not 5000 or whatever the typical number of cow pieces the average American eats in a year. So our cow is currently grazing on real grass and has lived hormone and antibiotic free and hopefully will be none the wiser to his intended path until his final day. While I am wrestling with this and telling my husband that it is really the path towards vegetarianism, my husband is convinced that soon I'll be eating pork again (I stopped four years ago), which really means as far as he is concerned is that pig bacon will be brought back to our breakfast table, because we'll want to buy a cow AND a pig next year. Yeah, I'm thinking not so much. Right now I just want to be happy with the friendlier red meat for the family.


  1. I saw the headline and thought at first you were talking about a yoga pose...

    I highly recommend the friendly red meat though. Mike and I have been buying our beef from Hedgeapple Farms in Maryland, and it's really nice to drive up there and see all the cows out in the sunshine eating their nice green grass.

  2. You were part of our market research! : )

    I probably should have been talking about a yoga pose. The only yoga I've done recently was at Sunday school - and that was just lying down and meditating!

  3. Where does this cow live?

  4. He's in Delaplane I believe. I should check. Justin wants to make a day of our pick up and go strawberry picking too. :-)
