Monday, March 21, 2011


My goal for this week isn't about exercise or about my food intake. Those are important... always important... in my face important... but while my house looks like a tornado hit, and all four members are cranky and short-tempered, I think the biggest bang for my buck at this point will come from an earlier bedtime - for all of us.

Disaster Baby went to bed an hour earlier than usual tonight after screeching at me non-stop for 45 minutes like a mandrake pulled from his pot. Say hello to la-la land my friend. One down, three to go. The Daughter is vacillating between winning the sweetest-girl-ever award and competing for an Oscar in her starring role as an unfortunate, miserable, neglected teenager with deadly body language. Bring on 8:00. I can't do anything about the Working Man's bedtime just as I can't control actually being able to bring him home from work. The challenge for me then is not to stay up too late with him once he gets here.

Hoping for the best and a return to sanity soon. Sleeping by 10:00.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, especially your Harry Potter reference. I agree @ the earlier bedtime. "The Daughter" in our house could definitely use it. As could I for that matter!
