Thursday, March 17, 2011


I find myself thinking constantly of Japan. Everyday as I sit to write, my thoughts edit one another, and I seem to be left with a sense of unimportance in comparison with those events. The result is of course that I don't write anything and let the day the pass. Before too much time elapses, I have set a self-imposed deadline that there is some type of entry before bed tonight, so here goes.

My last two visits to physical therapy have been great. My intake therapist was not available for evening appointments and so I scheduled with another therapist from the practice. She. Is. Awesome. Imagine a woman my height (not quite 6'), give her longer brown hair and an extra... I dunno... maybe sixty pounds? She's down to earth, professional, and definitely seems to know her stuff. The waiting area had bake sale items out with a coin jar for donations to raise money for the DC Divas. This is apparently her womens' tackle football team - she's on the offensive line. How can I be such a weakling in front of her?! The competitive spirit that typically lies dormant in my core has been challenged. At my second visit, as I was huffing and puffing and moving through her list of exercises for me, I thought perhaps I had been mistakenly set up with a personal trainer rather than a physical therapist. I can't stand some of the slow and painfully boring exercises that I have been given my physical therapists in the past, but I LOVE working out and having some type of coach person telling me what to do. Now I just need to fix the hip while simultaneously extending my PT. That would definitely be win-win.

Better than PT though has been Girls on the Run. It's hard to believe that we've finished our first two weeks of practice. The girls are so cute, and so sincere, and so fun. Without a doubt those four hours have been the best four hours that I've had at work in a long, long time.

And so, my journey to a healthier lifestyle continues, even if I am a little quiet for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think about some struggle or decision that needs to be made and think about how it cannot compare to Japan. But, then, I realize that hopefully things will start to improve and that our own life should not wait for that to happen.

    Glad that PT is going well and GOTR, too!
