Sunday, March 6, 2011

15 Years & Treadmill Take 2

So for the past week and a half, my scale has consistently reported numbers that I haven't seen in 15 years. I'd still like to be able to restructure much of my post-children body, but I'm happy to say that I am finally pleased with my weight and feel really good about it.

I also managed to get over to my sister's to use her treadmill again tonight while my daughter was at swim. The 5K in April is starting to loom over me. I started off walking for the first 2 and a half minutes, ran (slowly - I think I averaged a 12 minute pace after starting around 12:45 and then gradually increasing to 11:15) for 21, and then walked again for the last 2 and a half. My goal for the 5K is to run it without walking, so even if I'm really, REALLY slow, I'll be happy. Since I don't belong to a gym, it is really nice to be able to use a treadmill periodically to get an inkling of how I'm doing. If I hadn't needed to get back in the car and back to the pool, I'm sure I could have kept running, and that in and of itself is huge.

There is a blog that I read written by a woman with a full-time job, a husband, and two kids, and who is training for a triathlon in May. She is self-deprecating and amusing, and reading about her adventures - the ups and downs - is really inspiring to me. She is honest about her goals and times, and while I don't actually know her, I really think she deserves more credit than she gives herself. I love that she isn't a show off. Her blog isn't intimidating, and I find myself rooting for her as she approaches new challenges. It's cool really.

I haven't mentioned this before, but I've signed on to be an assistant coach for a girls' running program this spring. Our first practice is tomorrow. A friend of mine asked me about this yesterday when I ran into her while out between errands. "I didn't know you were a runner!" she said. "I'm NOT!" I squeaked. But, I know that it is good for the girls, and I know that by committing to coaching, it will be good for me too.


  1. Holly, are you coaching Girls on the Run? I have heard great things about the program. Good luck :)

    Missy Bell

  2. Thanks Missy. It is Girls on the Run, and I'm pretty excited.

  3. Rebecca loved Girls on the Run, but doesn't want to get up early for it. : (

  4. That should say...

    Debbie said...
