Thursday, April 7, 2011

Heart Healthy.... sort of

So twenty years ago I was misdiagnosed as having mitral valve prolapse. I remember being terrified when the doctors explained to me that I just needed to be careful when I exercised, because they didn't want me to be one of those freak cases where the teenager dies during sports practice. Supposedly my heart had to pump faster because it was really inefficient and blood pumped two ways. At the same time, one doctor in particular stressed to me that I had to exercise because it was more important than ever that my heart be a strong muscle. As a rower in high school, my heart rate would necessarily go up, and every once in a while I'd panic. I had to pre-medicate with antibiotics before dental appointments and took a massive dose before delivering my daughter.

Yesterday after my echo-cardiogram, the cardiologist pronounced my mitral valve normal. WT??? He explained that MVP was a hot diagnosis for a while in the 80s and 90s but that it was WAY over diagnosed and now the criteria is much more stringent. Based on the new criteria, I'm fine. This wasn't exactly like reading the news article saying I was no longer a Scorpio, but it certainly gave me something to think about. So my heart is healthier than I though, which is great news. Then I tried running after school with the girls, and my heart was pounding! So, it's healthier to a degree, but maybe only marginally.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, your heart is supposed to beat fast when you run and exercise. That's what makes it stronger :)
