Thursday, April 14, 2011


Aside from the awakening process that I've been feeling physically, I've been really excited mentally all week, which has had it's own share of side effects. Most notably, I went ahead and registered for two more events - the 5K mentioned to me by my husband and a mini-triathlon in July. I registered our daughter for the 5K as well. She is marginally interested, but I am hopeful that in time her enthusiasm will grow. Since she's working towards her own 5K - a practice one the first week of May and an official race on May 15th, I'm not sure that the allure of a dinky neighborhood race with her mother is too strong at this point. Running together will be a first for us, and I'm excited for that. She and I used to do all sorts of activities together, but adding another little person to the house has impacted those opportunities, and I am trying to get back on track (or as close to it as realistically possible as I can). The idea of the swim-bike-run is just something that I've always wanted to try, so after registering I have started putting out an all call to see if any other friends want to give it a go as well. Pretty much anything that can involve other people I know, and the chance to go eat afterwards, ups my commitment level.

The other consequence of my excitement involved my afternoon bike ride today. I haven't ridden much - still working out the pedals and car transport - but today was glorious and I had a window of opportunity between work and daycare pickup so I quickly changed my clothes, grabbed the bike and headed out. It took me a while to get going and actually manage to get both feet into the pedals. They aren't the clip-in kind: they have teeth and straps and flip upside down, and I was quite happy with myself once I was able to get moving. A few blocks into my ride I was going through a mental checklist - how to work the gears and brakes, the need to be aware of cars so I didn't get squashed, etc., and it occurred to me that in my excitement to get out the door, I completely forgot my helmet. The equipment business of all of this is going to kill me. I'm still really happy and excited to have the bike, but I really miss the days when all that was necessary was a pony tail, a pair of jeans, and some type of close toed shoes - unless it was summer, in which case sandals were usually just fine. Argh. But it was a good ride anyway.


  1. I'll join you sometime! I may not be able to run right now but I can ride a bike :)

  2. Strap that helmet to the handle bars! Hard to forget it when it's attached. : )

  3. inspired by your efforts i went for a bike ride this morning before work. had a few issues - a loose pant leg that needed to be shoved into my sock to keep it from getting tangled in the chain, water bottle that wouldn't stay in its holder. it was a glorious morning though!!
