Thursday, September 1, 2011


I went back to work this week after enjoying a long, relaxing, and blissful summer. Okay, no, I have a toddler and a ten-year-old. Let's just say that I went back to work this week after enjoying time with my family and planning most days around babysitting and exercise. I write everything down, as I've said before - run, swim, bike, yoga, walk, etc. One day I may show you all a picture... maybe... I write my weight on the paper, so perhaps after some CIA-type censorship.... Point being my journal has become a possession that I'm proud of and eagerly update.

Since going to work Monday morning, I've had two workouts. Monday night I went out with my running partner (I have not asked her for permission to call her that... it sounds much more official than saying my friend, but hopefully official in a good type of way that gets us to make the time and run regularly). We ran four miles at a pace of 10:45/mi, which is much better than I've done before. I still get anxious about running outside, "in the world" as I put it, as opposed to the bouncy treadmill that just keeps me going.

Last night I turned in my guest pass at the gym and enrolled for a regular membership. After that I zipped through 20 minutes on the bike, moved on to my weights, and headed home. I doesn't sound too bad to say that in the past four days, I have exercised on two of them; HOWEVER, I am terrified that all of my beautiful journal entries for the month of August will be followed by a teeny, tiny September section. My plan for the five workouts per week to get me more prepared for the next triathlon will be shattered if I only manage to exercise every other day.

What the heck has happened to me?!?!

I learned a new word this week - routinized. I'm not sure that I really learned it... I've read it before and knew what I was reading, but I don't think I'd ever heard it spoken, and I was completely dumbfounded when a friend at work not only said it but said it so that I could type it into our Power Point.

I assure you that the context at work had zilch to do with me or my exercise routine, but it is perfect for explaining my new conundrum - that I've gone and GOTTEN USED TO regular exercise! Now instead of panicking that someone may actually ask me to exercise, I'm panicking at the disruption in the flow and carefully crafted plans that I've created. (Yes, I do panic too much about too many things.)

The bottom line is that I am loving how I am feeling, and I absolutely need to A) figure out a schedule that will keep me feeling this way and is doable within a family of four, and B) force myself to do it even if it does mean waking up at 5am again.

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