Monday, August 8, 2011

Super Sprint

Yesterday was the Super Sprint Triathlon - 400y swim, 8m bike & 1.8m run, which were PERFECT distances for me. I had two goals based on last month's experience - 1) be more assertive in the pool and waste less time in a cluster, and 2) run the whole time. I signed up for the Super Sprint within a day or two of the last race specifically for the short run distance to work on my running hurdle.

Getting to the race was easy. The forecasted storm never showed up, I was there early enough to get the bike rack that I wanted, pick up my race materials, get my timer chip and body marks, and still had time to chat with some really nice people.

The biggest problem I had with the swim last time was a lack of strategy. As a creature of habit formed by years on swim team, I am used to swimming on the right when there are other swimmers in the lane. So, it took me 17 lengths and a few weeks to figure out that all I really needed to do was stick next to the lane line of the next lane. This swim was 25y shorter and about a minute and forty seconds faster. Check plus for goal number one.

Most sprint tris that I've seen end with a 5k/3.1m run. Last month we only had to do 2.6, and there were still places that I walked. I just wasn't ready for how squiggly my legs would feel, and I didn't do a very good job storing up any energy because I was caught up in just trying to ride the bike. Pacing is not and never has been my forte. Any rowers out there will understand when I say that I belonged in the middle of the boat without any decision making responsibilities. Last week right after telling my friend that I lose track of how many laps I swim, she laughed at me because I'd just done two more than we had planned. My brain has it's strenghts, but that is just not one of them. So, when at the very start of the run there was a gentleman right ahead of me who seemed to be running at a safe pace, I was very grateful, followed him the whole way, and then thanked him right after we crossed the finish line. Here is a pic of us -

Thanks to him, I ran the whole time AND got the bonus of coming in third for my age group - woot! Yay Lance!

... Okay, there weren't that many people IN my age group, but I got a fun medal regardless. :-)

... and my daughter thought it was cool.

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