Sunday, August 21, 2011

Training for What?

Anyone who has been reading this blog for very long knows that I started it in January with the basic goal of forcing myself to exercise and make some lifestyle changes.

Jan. 2011 photo shows reasons #1 and 2 for wanting to have more energy and be healthier.

There is no doubt that I have enjoyed the new activities with my famliy. I loved running with Emily, I'm psyched that Justin bought a bike, and I'm excited about where we are and the possibilities ahead of us. But it is also true to say that since January, my goals have evolved.

The cashier at Whole Foods presented it well to me the other day when, as I was swiping my card, he read my shirt aloud, “Every step is a good step.... cool... what is that all about?” So I told him about my blog and my need to be happy with what I accomplish and build, rather than beat, myself up. He nodded and then asked, “so... are you training for anything?” Huh. I guess a long lifetime of happiness and good health doesn't count as “anything.”

But the fact is, right now I'm not training for a long lifetime of happiness and good health. I am training for my next sprint triathlon on September 18th, and I think I am becoming just a little obsessed. Based on my last two races, I just know that my legs aren't strong enough to push hard on the bike (regardless of distance apparently) and then run with any umph. I've started developing weekly plans, identifying weaknesses, and determining the paths to strengthen those areas.

The next race is only 300 yards in the pool. I almost wonder if it is worth getting wet for such a short distance. I'm telling myself that it will be a quick, refreshing dip before mounting the bike and tackling the 17 miles, which is what I am really nervous about. Without racing, 17 miles sounds delightful; but since I'm so new to all of this, 17 miles sounds like a really long way to beg for speed. The run is relatively short again – 2 miles to the finish line. The key here is of course, making it to the finish line and actually running to get there.

My weekly plan is still pretty basic. Each week I want to do the following:

-one long (hour plus) run increasing overall distance
-one brick building the distances each week by: 3mi/bike and .5mi/run (This week I am at an 11mi bike and 2.5mi run)
-one timed 5K with increasing average mph
-two days of legs, lower back, lats, tris, etc. weights

Keep in mind that I am not a coach, I don't have a coach, and I couldn't afford a coach even if I wanted one without possibly selling one of my children. So it's all me, and I am TOTALLY OPEN for advice from anyone who is a coach, wants to be a coach, dabbles in triathlons (or any of the three independent sports), or really just likes giving advice.

It's kind of crazy, but I actually want to get better/faster/healthier and more competitive. (Can't stress enough here that I mean competitive with myself and NOT with those amazing athletes who eat, live, and breathe training.) I just registered for a 10K in November - yes, gasp... me. I plan on running 6.2 miles FOR FUN. Well, maybe not for so much fun, but surely there is something good that will come of it. And not only that, it's my birthday present to myself. Bring on 35. Egads.

AND, (deep breath here as I once again commit myself to something possibly insane), I think I want to register for an olympic triathlon in 2012. 1.5k swim, 40k bike, and 10k run. So there. I've said it. Swim Bike Mom, what HAVE you done to me?

Sure your logo is cute, and you blog about all of these silly adventures and life-changing accomplishments, but ... should I be thanking you, or blaming you? I guess I have a few months to decide.

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