Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Slight Improvement

Ask and it shall be delivered! Wow! Several of you wrote, called, or asked me in person what I've been up to since last week's post. Talk about a much-needed lifeline!

I am very happy to say that my inadequate willpower has been trumped by my overly developed worry for public humiliation, and I haven't binged in the candy bowl at work since my last post. I'd be happier if I could say honestly that I haven't binged at all, but the privacy of my own kitchen seems to be my downfall. Cursed Christmas cookies. Fortunately I have almost eaten them all, so soon enough they may not be a problem. They aren't even that good, which I don't understand but am old enough to just admit. I live in a small house. Half of the time I'm standing in front of the open refrigerator before I realize it or stop to think why. It's enough that I'm passing it: of course I should open it... maybe there is something good in there. Nevermind that I'm the person who puts the stuff in there in the first place, and nevermind the fact that I've probably looked four times in the past two hours. Hrumph.

I have been running more often lately though, which is a very good thing, but I'm fairly certain that my calories burned still exceed my unnecessary calories consumed. By a factor of 5. Possibly 10. Thank God for good friends who have joined me to go running. You all rock. You keep my excuses at bay, my mind preoccupied, and my spirits up. I guess I'm really one lucky girl with a slight ridiculous cookie appreciation compulsion.

Maybe this should be my new race outfit.... just add long sleeves and leggings?

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