Saturday, June 4, 2011

Springfield 15/5 K

This morning was the second annual Run Springfield 15/5K, and for my second 5K this year, it was really good. I can't really compare the time to the last one in terms of pace progress since I was running with my daughter and had to do a lot of coaching, slowing myself, and running in place to let her catch up and stay with me. I can say that it took us as long as the one in March did, with the main difference being that it was super easy and afterwards I felt like I could do it again.

The race itself was really well organized and a great route. My husband ran the 15K in a better time than he'd hoped to, the weather was gorgeous, and we all left talking about wanting to do it again next year and invite a lot of friends to join us.

Here's a pic of the family once we got home. Notice the "Every step is a good step" t-shirt. I went ahead and had them made last week! The back says of course, "Mama Gets Moving" After keeping one for myself, I gave the others to some very special people who have exercised with me and supported me along this new path. Thanks again guys. You know who you are.

I think the best part of the day today was the friendly atmosphere. We ran in to several people that we know, and we met a few really wonderful people too.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Holly (and Justin!). We need to start running together (: BTW-I wore my Mama Gets Movin shirt at the beach, I had to explain that I am not the Mama. (O:
