Thursday, May 5, 2011

Light as a feather, stiff as a board

This week as been fantastic! The morning music is doing wonders for yanking me out of bed and getting me moving faster. Routine as it stands is to warm up with a ten-minute walk with the dog and then head out again for a jog/run on my own. So far so good there.

Our Girls on the Run program had it's practice 5K yesterday afternoon, and I can honestly say that in my six years at my school that I have never been happier or prouder to be a part of something. The girls were amazing. They danced their warm up, they cheered each other one, they ran, they ran more when others weren't finished to bring them along, they smiled, they clapped, they jumped for joy and threw their arms in the air beaming with happiness from their accomplishment. As they ran, I could hear their positive support for each other, their open reflections on the season and the choices they make every day. Running with one girl for a while, we passed a sign that I had posted that read, "Make Your CHOICE - GOTR." I asked her, "what choice are you going to make?" The response lit me up inside. Her answer, "I choose to be healthier. I choose to think about other people in a kind way. I choose to be respectful of myself and other people too." She knocked it out of the park. Each time I passed the sign I would give the same prompt to girls who were also running by at the time, and every one of them was able to quickly give a positive response. "I choose friends who make me feel good about myself." "I choose to be a good friend to others." "I choose to care about my community." It went on, and on, and on. We had music playing by the water station; parents, teachers, and other students cheering; cameras everywhere; water and jelly beans available every lap; signs, sidewalk chalk messages, and noise makers giving encouragement along the way. Even with all of that, it was the girls that made it happen.

Today I got to be a buddy runner with my daughter in her GOTR practice 5K for her school's program. It was a wonderful experience to share with her, and we were both fortunate that my friend and co-coach chose to come and run with us as well.

My heart and body have been floating through these two days. After dinner tonight I opted for an evening walk with the dog just to warm up enough again to really get a good stretch. I fully anticipate to be achy and stiff tomorrow, but that's alright. It will just be a good reminder throughout the day of how proud I am.


  1. This post is a gorgeous ray of sunshine. Go Holly!!

  2. wow - amazing! you are so inspiring - makes me want to be a part of that too! I hope I can do the same for Ella.
