Monday, May 2, 2011

Phase Two

Last week I ordered a super fancy Garmin watch that monitors heart rate and a billion other things. I had a $50 gift card to Best Buy, which definitely helped with the grand total, and I was eagerly awaiting it's arrival. Sad to say, when it finally did come, there was a permanent black spot in the shape of a lemon on the screen. Not a good omen. Today I returned the watch directly to the store, bought instead a Gaiam that I'd read less good things about online but figured that the good one came broken so what the heck. This one feels a little more comfortable, also has a chest strap, and is a prettier color. I also threw in an iPod shuffle to hopefully keep my spirits up and help wake up my mind at 0'dark thirty as I'm working to get used to this new rise and shine time. Currently it is more like open eyes, breath, grumble, and suck it up. To be honest, 99% of my motivation for getting out of bed is simply because I refuse to fail at something in front of my husband (aka Life Partner, LP). He was absolutely right. I am hating the alarm clock. Actually, I don't hear the alarm clock. Instead I feel a quick jab followed by, "Get out." Ah the love.

The dog is still an unresolved issue. I need to get moving - really moving - and I don't know how to sneak away from him. The purpose of the early outing is to be back at the house by the time the little one wakes up and everyone needs to get ready for bed. Leaving without the dog ensures that he whines and barks a pathetic solo until I come home - completely negating my objective.

Highlights of the past week should be recognized - I've had a couple of stronger/longer runs and a great bike ride. My confidence with the whacky pedals is increasing to the point that I'm not even 100% sure that I need to replace them before July.

1 comment:

  1. if you have free time this weekend, maybe we can go for a bike ride? I too am re-entering the exercise game - foot still aches but I'm pushing through it, tired of not doing the stuff I like to do. Penny barely made the 15 minute run the other day - so I am motivated to get her fat dog butt into shape!!
