Here's a quick break down of my race:
Mile One
Me: Okay, start slowly.... Oh! Love the new opening song.... La la la happy happy happy
(Exchanged some type of start-of-race pleasantries with Dee Dee)
Me: So in my last triathlon, I rode my bike with a really nice girl and half the way through it, she kept slowing down. My point here of course is that you are not supposed to wait for me. Run a good race!
Dee Dee: Laughter
Me: No really.
Mile Two
Me: Loosening up, oh, er, @#$#... so much for pacing with the iPod. Stupid buttons. C'mon Rhianna....
Dee Dee: We're right at a 10:00/mile!
Me: Um, oh good! Oh crap, can I keep running like this the entire way?
Mile Three
Me: 5K would be over, so I'm 2/3 through. God Bless Dee Dee for running with me.
Dee Dee: (Thumbs up sign at exactly 3 miles to let me know we're still at the same pace.)
Mile Four
Me: Body check... heart good, lungs good, legs starting to whimp out.... Love my new playlist.... feeling tired.... Is that lady really pushing a seven-year-old in her jogging stroller?
Dee Dee: Getting water - we're almost finished!
Final .7 miles
Me: I am so ready for this to be over.
Dee Dee: Only five more minutes!
Me: Thank God for Dee Dee.
Random Guy #1: Best quarter mile yet!
Me: Yep, but if I sprint now, I'll die 100 yards before the finish line.
Random Guy #2: Only a quarter of a mile to go!
Me: That's what the last guy said two minutes ago.
Random Girl: Last quarter mile!
Me: What the heck? Who are these people and who lets them cheer on runners?!
And then we turned a corner, and we were done! The first guy was probably right, and there may have been some sprint stored up in me left, but what a great feeling to cross the finish line and feel like I actually had more to give.
The sky opened, we had a quick shower and headed to the car. On the way home, the clouds parted and we drove by a beautiful and complete rainbow.
And for anyone interested, here's the playlist:
Breakin' Up - Rilo Kiley
Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira
What I've Done - Marie Digby
Umbrella - Rhianna
Pocket Full of Sunshine - Jia Clayton
The Fear - Lily Allen
Mad World - Adam Lambert
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas
Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
Price Tag - Jesse J
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic at the Disco
Forever and Almost Always - Kate Voegele
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