Aside from having the tear, and subsequent cyst on the bone caused by the tear, all of my bone measurements were on the cusp of normal (how fitting), so I'm good to go for scope light. (Fix the tear, remove any junk, start therapy and look at 6-8 weeks to be back on track. This compares to the scary scope that would involve removing some bone so that it wouldn't happen again. THAT sounds horrible and is more like 8 months. Eyuck.) I told him about the marathon in November, and he thought everything would be totally doable.
I left the appointment happy and hopeful. I called my husband to explain, and then I called Dr. Parker's scheduler. I'm booked for June 7th.
On a separate note, the planking is great. I love that so many friends are doing it. My original thought was to hit 30 days of the regular plank and then start mixing it up with other plank styles. The surgery is going to mess that up a bit, but I don't know how much. Regardless, I'm looking for suggestions! What is your favorite plank?
All of the forms become challenging to me after two minutes or so...but I find "star" side planks to be cool....even if I only hold it for three seconds. :/ Arm up, leg out, strong, tight core and gluts..yep, its all a challenge, but I still like it.