My day in review at this point includes:
Making it through two doctor appointments, Target, and a 4 yr-old birthday party without one major tantrum from my son.
The scale at the doctors office telling me that I have gained 9 lbs in the past week since I finished my elimination diet (to which I didn't have any obvious symptom relief and have rebounded by welcoming too much coffee, wine, and chocolate into my hands). I checked this with my scale at home. Neither are exaggerating. Whoops.
Being surrounded, and thus confronted, by mirrors at the birthday party and realizing that I hate my long hair again and should cut it.
Hearing my son tell me that he "is going to go get a new Mommy." After asking him for details on that idea, I now understand that new mommies can be found "at the Mommy station. That is where they are." Apparently he'll be looking for one with black hair. I hope she's nice.
It is gorgeous outside and that always makes things good.
I got to see a friend today and made a new one.
My husband and daughter are spending the day together in DC visiting the Jefferson Memorial (she just finished a school project on TJ, and he is finishing a biography that I gave him for Christmas), the Building Museum, the Capital, and who knows what else.
I feel healthy.
I have energy to tackle the mess of the house.
I have people in my life that are fun, kind, compassionate, understanding, motivating, and share similar interests as i do.
The half marathon was last weekend, and it rocked. I can't wait to do another one. Tomorrow our wonderfully amazing babysitter is coming over again so we can get it another long run - JUST FOR FUN. I've registered for more events this year, and I am very lucky to have great friends who want to join me.
What makes YOU happy today?????
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