Until it said soy.
Freeze. Soy? I hadn't considered this possibility AT ALL and was completely unprepared. What chippies will I buy now?! What salad dressings? What juices? What...FOOD????
And it wasn't just soy. In fact, apparently my lovely lymphocytes also reacted to pecan, broccoli, salmon, lima bean, lime, garlic, baker's yeast & calcium propionate (food preservative).
So the past week has been a little bit rough. There is one silver lining - baker's yeast is not brewer's yeast. I may not be able to eat a lot of things, but at least I can drown my sorrow in beer. Not that I drink much beer, but maybe I will, and at least I can. Ugh.
I have been exercising though. A run here, some bike trainer there, and now I have a new addition to my routine.
Not very long ago a friend of mine at work decided to extend her group fitness hobby to her colleagues and offered to lead those interested in weekly or twice-weekly workouts. Yesterday was the third day that I was able to attend. The first was a fitness test five days after the half. My legs and energy were still recovering, and after the test I could barely move for days. The second day was an Insanity workout, and my calves screamed at me for nearly a week. Yesterday she led us through "Brazilian Butt Lift". So far so good on that end. (HA! Immediately I think of my favorite dome friends.)
Imagine for a moment that you are standing in a school gymnasium with several coworkers. You are following a video that is projected onto a large screen with an amplifier attached. As you follow along squating, jumping, and rotating hips and shoulders, a Borat-lookalike video instructor provides instruction and encouragment exclaiming, "Now really squeeze your BUTT!"
If I had any shame, I'm pretty sure that I conquered it. I can't wait to see what she has for us next week.
Oh and word of caution - for the sake of providing a photo for your blog friends, do not Google Image Brazilian Butt Lift and think that you may see Mr. Borat Impersonator Video. You will not. You may be scarred for life.
I better live to be 100.
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