Friday, June 7, 2013

Scope Light Review

I am so happy to report that my hip surgery for the labrum tear was this morning, and it went really well! I was so touched by all of the good thoughts, messages, and offers for help that came my way.

We got to the surgical center, and I made Justin take my picture. He heckled me for it but did it anyway.

I was really fancy waiting for the surgery. There was more waiting than there was surgery time, so he was recruited for another photo. Without taking a book with me, FB was my primary entertainment, which, at 9:30 in the morning when most of my friends are at work, isn't very time consuming.

The tear wasn't actually as big as the MRI led us to believe and instead included a lot of smaller tears and a lot of inflamed and scarred tissue. Dr. Parker sorted it all out and sent me on my way. If you ever need an orthopedist for this kind of thing, I recommend you check him out. He is a nice guy, super smart, excellent rapport with patients, and conservative in his treatment plan.

My only wince was when he talked about "people our age" and then said he was 40. For anybody else out there who is 40, I really see it as a young number these days. For other people. You know, YOU guys. Internally my reaction was, "Whoa hoa... slow down buddy. I'm 36."

Now we're home. I am plugged in to a new cooler/ice pack thing, walking around (probably too much and more than I should, but I'm working on that... the crutches are just silly when they seem to be more difficult than just walking myself), and feeling really good. I'll be careful not to over do anything. Or at least I will try not to. I've already been thinking about crunches and planks today. :-)

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