Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog? What blog???

Ohhhh... MYYYY blog... right, write, I have a blog.... For the first time I'm proud to say that my silence isn't because I've been a total slacker. An unanticipated outcome of keeping a separate FB page for my blog is that I have found so many other great blogs and pages that keep me motivated. By the time I've caught up on this one and that one, I've been staring at the screen for so long that I really need to unplug.

As many of you know, my main reasons for starting down this tech trail were to write about my intention to become a healthier person, generate some accountability, find other like minded people hoping to do the same and hopefully even get to the point of being able to share some personal goals and accomplishments. A few months after I started writing, I created the Facebook page for two main reasons. I was starting to worry that I was annoying my personal FB world with my new adventures and could give any of them an option to "Like" and thus follow along or to stick with more periodic updates, family photos - you know, the regular stuff. It was an added bonus that I could keep other pages that I follow in a separate feed.

I never expected to find SO MANY other people out there looking for and doing the exact same thing. Every day I come across another page or stumble upon another blog that speaks to me. I wish there was time to keep up with all of them. There are several though that I do follow closely. When I read about their goals and the ups and downs along the way - personal victories, medals earned, injuries, personal relationships, family emergencies, tough training regimens and new forrays into exercise, I find myself cheering, sending encouragement, nodding in understanding, and wanting good things for each of them.

So while I haven't written much lately, I have been reading a ton. When I haven't been reading, or cooking (crazy food issues), or chasing around my 2 yr old, or picking up after said 2 yr old, or hanging with my 10 yr old, or trying to spend time with my husband, in the past month I've been going to the gym and running as much as possible. I've done my first International Duathlon (does that even exist? It was supposed to be a Triathlon but the storms washed away the swim course so we ran instead of swam the first mile) and ran my fastest 5k.

For everyone who has reached out to me in some way - by reading these posts, following my page, giving me encouragement, inviting me for a race, sharing advice, and letting me get to know you - I want to say thanks again. I never imagined that writing, sharing, etc. would have as positive of an impact on me as it has, and it is all because of YOU.

And for accountability purposes, my husband and I made it out for a 4+ mile run this morning with the jogging stroller. Just in case you were wondering.